4 Erice - Italy

Monday, March 23, 2015 to Friday, March 27, 2015

This is the final meeting  of the COST Action MP1006 "Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics"

The conference will present a critical perspective of theoretical and experimental research in quantum physics from the foundational point of view: where are with at, with our understanding of the quantum world? What did we learn so far? What are the most relevant open issues? What the directions for future research?

The topics addressed by the conference include:

  • Quantum Foundations.
  • Mathematical Physics & QFT.
  • Quantum interferometry.
  • Testing fundamental principles.
  • Quantum complex systems.
  • Quantum gravity.
  • Gravity and Cosmology

Angelo Bassi, Catalina Curceanu, Detlef Dürr.

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